Royal Pacific Hotel

Royal Pacific Hotel

An Iconic Hotel – Connected.

Brand Identity, Signage & Environmental Graphics

Signage identity system and environmental graphics design for an iconic hotel in the heart of Canton Road and the new cultural district of Hong Kong.

Ways & Means

‣ Brand identity implementation
‣ Signage communications system
‣ Signage system and graphics
‣ Production artwork packages

Connecting a holistic hotel experience

The Royal Pacific Hotel is an iconic hotel nestled in the vibrant and fashionable street of Canton Road in Hong Kong. When Sino Group, the brand owner of the hotel, decided to rejuvenate the interiors of the lobbies of the hotel, the signage design was underlined as an important feature in giving a holistic brand experience to its guests.

The lobbies of the hotel are split up in two different towers and each having a distinctive interior design. These lobbies are separated by a podium and navigating to both towers without the sense of being lost was key to ensure a seamless wayfinding for the guests of the hotel.

To meet the creative and functional requirements in creating our signage design, a clear understanding of the interior design concepts to create a coherent signage system was necessary.

Working closely with NUDE Design, the lead architects of the project, we distilled the architectural components of the two lobbies to define the approach in our signage design. As a result, we narrowed down collective design elements as attributes for our signage concept. Based on this information, we created a versatile signage design that adapts to the interior environment of the two hotel lobbies, but coherent as a signage system that enhances the architectural characteristics of the individual lobbies.

The two become one

Springtime introduced a system of sign panels that could be changed using materials and finishes that match the interior design. The flexibility allowed the signage to be coordinated and integrated with the interior design and the distinctive environment of the two hotel lobbies .

Equipped with a system of sign panels, we designed an extreme 4-metre lift lobby sign directory, full height wall mounted signs as direction, information and identification signs for the hotel. In addition, to increase a higher perception of the ceiling, we introduced floor to ceiling vertical graphic line system, etched and paint filled or mirrored finish to differentiate the two sign groups of the two lobbies while unified in design essence.

A connected experience

The hotel is also surrounded with key destinations for the guests. With its harbour side location, connectivity with China Ferry Terminal and within walking distance to West Kowloon Cultural District, the High Speed Rail and the MTR Station, for a notable stay with the hotel, clear sign messaging was essential. With this consideration, we designed a sensible graphic layout and a clear sign message hierarchy for guests’ ease of use and understanding.

Amplified brand experience

The result is a fully integrated signage solution. We created a signage complementary to the architecture of the interior design while linking with the surrounding internal and external spaces. This amplifies the engagement of the guests with the brand experience of the Royal Pacific Hotel.

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