VF Corporation

Raising the Flag of a Legend

Retail Identity, Visual Merchandising

Visual merchandising strategy and guidelines delivered for a legendary denim brand for its new store concept roll-out in Asia Pacific.

Ways & Means

‣ Retail Visual Identity
‣ Visual Merchandising
‣ Implementation

Encapsulating 120+ years of innovation that transformed a legendary denim brand from a ‘practical-and-durable-workwear maker to a contemporary-and-trendy fashion giant’ across Asia Pacific

It started with a request from Lee for the General Merchandising Guidelines for Asia-Pacific’s new retail store concept. And the challenge was to develop Guidelines with detailed visual illustrations for application to all spaces, display and store layouts for all seasons.

Springtime delivered by visualising the General Merchandising Guidelines to highlight the brand personality, including principles and rules of visual merchandising that could be simple, thorough, and easily understood and followed by diverse people across the region.

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